The Future

Saxmundham Market Hall has played a major role in the town’s community life since 1846. Held on trust for the community by the Town Council, it forms a key part of Saxmundham’s heritage, linking our past, present and future.

The town is due to see significant growth in population over the next twenty years so Saxmundham will need more and better community facilities. The Town Council, working through its Market Hall Development Working Group and other community volunteers, is putting together plans both for the building itself, and for extending the “offer” of events, services and activities hosted within the Hall. 

Our plans are:

Short term:

  • Broaden the scope of activities and events, providing activities and performances for all sections of the community;
  • Improve the general decorative look and feel of the Hall, to make it a more welcoming and attractive place.

Medium and longer term:

  • Continue to extend the programme of events and activities;
  • Put in place a basic programme of necessary repairs and improvements;
  • Secure major investment and upgrading, e.g. the entrance and façade should be restored to the original, offering a welcoming community space both in the forecourt outside and increased reception/circulation space inside.

We aim to make the Market Hall an attractive, modern and lively place that the town will be proud of.  Upgrading work will require substantial external financing, also time.  Funding will not be secured unless we can win our community’s strong support. Find out ways that you could get involved by emailing

In 2025 the Market Hall will be 180 years old.  It has served the town well; it’s our task to ensure it can play its part for at least the next 100 years!

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